I know that Alan doesn't need my help, but what does Judean/Isreali chronology have to do with the matter at hand, Babylonian chronology?
Apples and oranges and red herrings....
has anyone on here ever come across the tiniest shred of evidence supporting this date for the fall of jerusalem.
i understand rolf furuli is about to but something out on this subject (see, however even a table of contents has been a long time in coming from this site.
if no evidence exists what can he possibly be writing about?
I know that Alan doesn't need my help, but what does Judean/Isreali chronology have to do with the matter at hand, Babylonian chronology?
Apples and oranges and red herrings....
i post the following at the request of barbara anderson.. .
as a result of the newspaper report calling attention to my actions i feel compelled to provide further information that has come to light and deserves full exposure.. the society is very much aware of my intentions, because of a private e-mail i innocently wrote someone was forwarded to the society without my permission.
you can read it in its entirety, below.
Good post, but I'm having trouble reading between the lines. Correct me if I'm wrong, but here is what I'm reading:
1) The Dateline show will not DIRECTLY create a mass exodus of JW's from the Org that we all would love to see. The WTS has too many assets and too much control over their adherents to allow that to happen.
2) What it WILL do is create TERRIBLE public relations, and a shrinking of the target market for their "disciple making." (which according to AlanF's number is already happening). Shrinking numbers (especially in industrialized countries) coupled with lawsuits will require some belt-tightening in Brooklyn.
3) The society will then begin to apply pressure on the CO's, elders, etc to in turn pressure the rank and file to "get out more and spend less time working and more time preaching." CO's and elders
who understand the silliness of the KM you speak of will be (or are already) quite disheartened by these developments.
4) Very many of these CO's, elders, etc who HAVE their consciences on alert will begin leaving the Org in light of the stress placed on them due to the society's legalistic stances on blood and pedophilia. The problem is, these are the kinds of guys you WANT shepherding your flock.
This is where the snowballing gets nasty
5) The exodus of QUALITY personnel can only mean that they are replaced by less quality personnel; the guys who are not on your Short List to shepherd the flock.
6) This is when your Rank and file JW's will be affected. They will at this point be shepherded (read: LORDED) by men who are not qualified to do so. These men may or may not be "society men", but the average JW's view of the ORG will change if they are in this situation. Here is where the REAL RESULTS of the Dateline show will be seen.
This is me NOT using my "black-and-white thought processes to continue to drive the conclusion." I hope it measures up to what you are trying to say.
Please correct me if I'm wrong,
i am doing an intensive analysis of my beliefs as a jw, and would like any comments on this further defence of the house to house preaching methodology put out by the far as i can tell no-one has yet refuted this comment:.
*** w91 8/1 24 "from house to house" ***.
"from house to house".
Good post. To further the discussion, they won't use "radio, television, etc." because that would cost $$$$
I doubt they want to spend that kind of money to make their money. Also, my feeling is that they wouldn't want to be TOO prevalent in the public's eye. My (limited) JW experience is that it's to their benefit to remain in the background, where people are still ignorant of the way they operate. Seeing them on every billboard and TV station will likely bring them more public scrutiny than they can handle.
Just my thoughts,
did anyone who received this wt ,notice that loyalty was only extended to the org, marriage mates and family 'who are believers' the rest of you moms and dads sisters and brothers,etc.
you're out in the cold.. the article is titled,'what does it mean to be loyal?'....
is this damage control?
Not to piss in anyone's Corn Flakes, but which issue was that in? A Watchtower or an Awake? My WT from that date doesn't have it. Just some propaganda about France.
has anyone on here ever come across the tiniest shred of evidence supporting this date for the fall of jerusalem.
i understand rolf furuli is about to but something out on this subject (see, however even a table of contents has been a long time in coming from this site.
if no evidence exists what can he possibly be writing about?
You make many assertions but have nothign to back up thise assertions. Yes, there may be some differing opinions about whether the real year was 587 or 586, but that's because IT HAS BEEN NARROWED DOWN TO THOSE TWO. 606 or 607 have been ruled out.
I have a question for you. Below is a quote from the society's "Revelation" book, taken from the box on page 105, in the footnote...
Providentially, those Bible Students had not yet realized that there is no zero year between "BC" and "AD" Later, when research made it necessary to adjust 606 to 607 BCE, the zero year was eliminated, so that the prediction held good at "AD 1914."Please Sir Scholar, what research resulted in the "necessary" adjustment to 607 BCE? Since the society has to my knowledge NEVER published this research, there is only one apparent answer:
The research they mention is their realizing the non-existence of the "zero year". Because of this "archaeological gem" they found it necessary to rewrite the history books.
Kinda like living in Oceania, hunh?
i post the following at the request of barbara anderson.. .
as a result of the newspaper report calling attention to my actions i feel compelled to provide further information that has come to light and deserves full exposure.. the society is very much aware of my intentions, because of a private e-mail i innocently wrote someone was forwarded to the society without my permission.
you can read it in its entirety, below.
All I know is that the show will be taped and I'm gonna make sure my girlfriend watches it. She'll probably boot my ass out right away, but she'll never see it any other way.
with all the problems in the 'truth' and all the things that we know are wrong with it there seems to be aspects of their theology (i.e the sequences of the world powers, statue in daniel, the promise of world restoration again found in daniel) that to me still make sense.
although i cannot follow a religion that believes in the destruction of all humanity barring those that respond to their own preaching work i still believe in a creator and cannot accept the teachings of other religions that have no purpose for the earth and believe that mankinds only destiny is in heaven.
my mind keeps telling me that if god was behind a religion it would be so much better than that of the jws.
My only answer is to agree with what others have posted. Anyone who claims to have the truth about this universe doesn't have it. All other religions have one thing in common with the WTS: they are the creations of men, and therefore follow man's ideals.
Seek God and no one/nothing else.
i post the following at the request of barbara anderson.. .
as a result of the newspaper report calling attention to my actions i feel compelled to provide further information that has come to light and deserves full exposure.. the society is very much aware of my intentions, because of a private e-mail i innocently wrote someone was forwarded to the society without my permission.
you can read it in its entirety, below.
Check your email....
i post the following at the request of barbara anderson.. .
as a result of the newspaper report calling attention to my actions i feel compelled to provide further information that has come to light and deserves full exposure.. the society is very much aware of my intentions, because of a private e-mail i innocently wrote someone was forwarded to the society without my permission.
you can read it in its entirety, below.
Hi Barbara,
When I met you a couple of months ago, I only knew of your involvement in the Proclaimers book. Sheesh, was that only the tip of the iceberg or what?
Fight fight fight until you can't stand anymore, and then I'll come down so you can lean on me. I am in awe of your courage and am truly honored to have made your acquaintance.
All the best,
Jeremy D.
as i passed through wol site i saw a post on how to handle microphones.
it was a pointless discussion about using cordless vs cord or a boom.
wow ... big stuff.. it reminded me of a few times i ran the mics.
If rap were allowed, I woulda "accidentally" replaced the Kingdom rap with "Straight Outta Locash" by CB-4. And then ran like hell, of course.
Looking back, I wish I would have had the guts to stick around long enough to BE one of those guys spouting off their opposing views. I wouldn't have used the Trinity, but false prophecy and that bogus 1914 date would have been great to rant about.